Post Tensioned Voided-Slab Bridge with LMK Fixed Coupler Anchorages
lmk systems, , Post Tensioning, 0Post Tensioning application at concrete voided-slab bridge. Part of the new road between Mina Abdullah City and Wafra.
LMK Post Tensioning works at Kuching. Part of the Development and Upgrading of the proposed Pan Borneo highway in the...
A unique PT application in a football stadium in Greece is performed by HiSCS. The four (4) concrete pylons...
Completion of PT Works at the New Road Between Saad Al Abdallah to Bohaith Gate
lmk systems, , Post Tensioning, 0Post Tensioning works have been completed at the new road between Saad Al Abdallah to Bohaith gate in Kuwait.
Concrete box girder bridge construction at the new road between Mina Abdullah City and Wafra.
LMK Post Tensioning System Participated at the 2018 IABSE Spring Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia with Title “Engineering the Developing World” Between 25 & 27 of April 2018.
lmk systems, , Post Tensioning, 0HiSCS Engineers performed a presentation in which the advantages of Post Tensioning were highlighted through one of our recent projects,...
Stressing works at interchange 5.
Tamdeen Towers are progressing very fast. The project is located in Sabah Al Salem in Kuwait, just west of...