HiSCS is involved in the evaluation and reporting regarding the structural assessment of 90 villas combos located in King...
Inspection of Athens Int’l Airport, access bridges
hiadmin, , engineering, Evaluation, Inspection, Maintenance, 0HiSCS bridge inspectors accomplished the routine inspection of the access bridges, located in El. Venizelos Int’l Airport (NAIA) in...
Calatrava Stayed Cable Bridge – Special Inspection & Maintenance
hiadmin, , Evaluation, Inspection, Maintenance, news & publishing, 0HiSCS bridge inspectors and technicians, together with the stayed cable manufacturer’s specialist, accomplished the detailed inspection of the cables...
Inspection & Evaluation of Dampers in Athens Metro Station
hiadmin, , engineering, Evaluation, Inspection, 0The Inspection and evaluation of one hundred twenty-eight (128) viscous dampers located in the Athens Metro – Line 1,...
Olympic Stadiums Bearings Inspection & Evaluation
hiadmin, , Evaluation, Inspection, inspection-NDT-evaluation, NDT, news & publishing, 0The inspection and evaluation of the bearings supporting the roof of the Main and Velodrome Stadiums in Olympic Athletic...
Steel Bridges Inspection
hiadmin, , engineering, Evaluation, Inspection, inspection-NDT-evaluation, NDT, news & publishing, 0The inspection and evaluation of ten steel bridges in the city of Riyadh – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has...
HiSCS has been accomplished the inspection and evaluation of Duba sea-port container terminal facilities. Duba Port is a multipurpose...
Workshop on Concrete Science & Advanced Methods for Evaluation of Concrete.
lmk systems, , Evaluation, 0HiSCS engineers attended the Educational Workshop dedicated to Concrete Science & Advanced Methods for Evaluation of Concrete, held by...
HiSCS staff performing GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) Scanning. Our company utilizes cutting edge equipment, using Non Destructive techniques, for...
Our commitment to continuous development is a key factor, dictating our approach to every single project. Our goal is...