The Mall of Cyprus is the first shopping mall of its kind in Cyprus and has become a landmark...
Bridge Bearing replacement at Athens International Airport El. Venizelos, Greece
hiadmin, , engineering, LMK post-tensioning, Maintenance, news & publishing, 0HiSCS Engineers & Technicians successfully accomplished the Jacking & lifting, of the main terminal bridge of Athens Int’l Airport...
Lifting & Jacking of Oil Terminal Jetty – Bearings Replacement
hiadmin, , engineering, Maintenance, news & publishing, 0The jacking and lifting works to replace the structural bearings supporting the steel pipe racks of an oil terminal...
Jacking & Lifting of Silo Roof for Bearings Replacement
hiadmin, , engineering, news & publishing, 0HiSCS has commenced the jacking and lifting works to replace the bearings supporting the steel roof of a silo...
The Inspection and evaluation of the bearings, stoppers, shear-keys, and viscous dampers of Tsakona arch steel bridge in Korinthos-Tripoli-Kalamata...
PT Application in Existing Building for Upgrading Purposes
hiadmin, , engineering, LMK post-tensioning, Maintenance, NDT, news & publishing, Post Tensioning, 0The implementation of post tensioning in an existing building to improve its structural strength has been accomplished by HiSCS....
Inspection of Viscous Dampers
hiadmin, , engineering, Inspection, inspection-NDT-evaluation, news & publishing, 0The Inspection of fifty (50) viscous dampers located in the steel roof of main terminal building of Athens Int’l...
New Doubling Track Denchai-Chiang Rai-Chiang Klong in Thailand
hiadmin, , LMK post-tensioning, news & publishing, Post Tensioning, 0The Den Chai – Chiang Rai – Chiang Khong Railway is a new railway in Northern Thailand. The project...
Olympic Stadiums Bearings Inspection & Evaluation
hiadmin, , Evaluation, Inspection, inspection-NDT-evaluation, NDT, news & publishing, 0The inspection and evaluation of the bearings supporting the roof of the Main and Velodrome Stadiums in Olympic Athletic...
Steel Bridges Inspection
hiadmin, , engineering, Evaluation, Inspection, inspection-NDT-evaluation, NDT, news & publishing, 0The inspection and evaluation of ten steel bridges in the city of Riyadh – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has...