HiSCS is participating in the implementation of Post Tensioning (PT) works, which is part of the project regarding the...
Inspection of Bearings – Akrotiri archaeological shelter – Santorini island – Greece
hiadmin, , engineering, Inspection, LMK post-tensioning, news & publishing, 0Our inspectors performed the routine inspection of the spherical bearings, which support the steel shelter, of the Akrotiri Archaeological site, in Santorini...
European Technical Assessment Document (ETA) for LMK External Post Tensioning Kit
hiadmin, , engineering, LMK post-tensioning, news & publishing, 0We welcome our new ETA member in LMK family. We are pleased to announce that the LMK PT system...
Jacking & lifting of Mall for Seismic Isolation Bearings Replacement
hiadmin, , engineering, LMK post-tensioning, Maintenance, news & publishing, 0The Mall of Cyprus is the first shopping mall of its kind in Cyprus and has become a landmark...
Bridge Bearing replacement at Athens International Airport El. Venizelos, Greece
hiadmin, , engineering, LMK post-tensioning, Maintenance, news & publishing, 0HiSCS Engineers & Technicians successfully accomplished the Jacking & lifting, of the main terminal bridge of Athens Int’l Airport...
PT Application in Existing Building for Upgrading Purposes
hiadmin, , engineering, LMK post-tensioning, Maintenance, NDT, news & publishing, Post Tensioning, 0The implementation of post tensioning in an existing building to improve its structural strength has been accomplished by HiSCS....
New Doubling Track Denchai-Chiang Rai-Chiang Klong in Thailand
hiadmin, , LMK post-tensioning, news & publishing, Post Tensioning, 0The Den Chai – Chiang Rai – Chiang Khong Railway is a new railway in Northern Thailand. The project...
LMK Post Tensioning System, implemented on a twin box girder bridge in Kuwait. The Bridge has a total length...
External PT in existing building
hiadmin, , engineering, LMK post-tensioning, Maintenance, news & publishing, Post Tensioning, 0A design & check regarding the structural adequacy of the prestressed elements of an existing building in Athens, Greece...