Our inspectors performed the routine inspection of the spherical bearings, which support the steel shelter, of the Akrotiri Archaeological site, in Santorini Island, in Greece. The site comprises an entire coastal city, of the Minoan civilization, with streets, squares, multistory buildings, workshops, etc. preserved by the volcanic ash of the Theran eruption, which occurred in the 16th century BC.
The ninety-four (94) fixed type spherical steel bearings, located at the footings of the steel columns, have a convex curved element, which slide on a matching concave surface, transferring vertical and horizontal forces while, at the same time, allowing significant rotations in all axes. They have vertical capacity of 1500KN, horizontal capacity of 800KN and rotational capacity of ±2.5˚. Also, twenty-eight (28) of them are designed to bear up-lift loads to the order of 1100KN.
The Inspectors of HiSCS gathered all necessary data to observe the bearing’s functionality and evaluate their condition, aiming to reveal needed actions for maintenance and repair. Our special inspection software was utilized and hence all site data were uploaded, in real time, for back-office analysis and conclusions.
We welcome the initiative of the Owner, the Archeological Society of Athens, to proceed with the inspection of the bearings, thus, protecting the public investment by the timely identification of potential future issues.